
Results of Center for Translational Science calls for applications

Every year since it was set up in 2014, the Center for Translational Science (CRT) has launched two calls for applications to host physicians and pharmacists at the Institut Pasteur via guest researcher positions and partnership contracts.

The guest researcher system is aimed at hospital practitioners, hospital-university assistants and chief residents in the Paris Public Hospital Network (AP-HP). In 2020, taking into account the health context, positions were opened or extended for the following applicants:

  • Baptiste Duceau in Fabrice Chrétien's unit (extension)

  • Ghizlene Lahlou in Christine Petit’s unit (extension)

  • Aline Lefebvre in Thomas Bourgeron’s unit

  • Anne-Aurélie Lopes in Jean-Marc Ghigo’s unit (extension)

  • Caroline Rouard in François-Xavier Weill’s unit (extension)

Partnership contracts are aimed at hospital practitioners, university lecturers/hospital practitioners and university professors/hospital practitioners from hospitals across France. In 2020, taking into account the health context, positions were opened or extended for the following physicians:

  • Aurélien Dinh in Didier Guillemot's unit (extension)

  • Véronique Frémeaux-Bacchi in Muhamed-Keir Taha’s unit (extension)

  • Audrey Maudoux in Aziz El Amraoui’s unit (Hearing Institute)

To find out more about these calls for applications, which will take place again next year, consult the dedicated web page or contact

