January 22, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
For several months now, Teams has been used by all Institut Pasteur staff to organize their work and facilitate remote working during the health crisis.
In response to the growing need for Teams in various contexts, the Institut Pasteur Information Systems Department is launching "TeamsMate," your new companion to help you use Teams.
TeamsMate: helping you get to grips with Teams and optimize your usage
Teamsmate will ultimately replace the Webcampus page containing videos and user guides. TeamsMate offers several advantages:
Accessibility, as TeamsMate will be directly available in Teams – you won't have to exit Teams to access tutorials and videos about meetings, team working, etc.
Communication with other users, with a help and discussion forum where you can ask all your questions about Teams.
Access to new features, some available now and others coming soon, directly in TeamsMate.
TeamsMate, the App that will boost your Teams !
A self guided solution to learn smoothly with tutos!
A user channel to ask any question about Teams
Don't miss latest updates available on the news channel!
All Webinars replays available whenever, wherever !
Find TeamsMate directly in Teams toolbar !