Human resources

Annual appraisal campaign - last week

This year's annual appraisals and career development reviews is still under way and will run until February 12, 2021.

  • Main points to remember

- All Institut Pasteur employees now have to take part in the appraisal process, except for those on fixed-term contracts of less than 6 months, PhD students and contract workers, as well as post-doctoral fellows for 2020.

- The process has begun since December 4, 2020 and will run until February 12, 2021.

- As in previous years, the appraisals will be based on the online forms available via the Career Portal (Talentsoft).


  • We would draw your attention to certain specific points for this year:

•    Interviews may be held remotely via Teams depending on each individual's situation, or in person for staff currently working on campus, provided that special care is taken to observe all hygiene and distancing measures.
•    Given the specific circumstances of the past year, the appraisals will only take into account your achievements during your working periods, regardless of your situation during the lockdown (leave of absence, partial furlough or remote working, for example).

Click here for further details.
