January 27, 2017
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Reminder: The Center of Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Integrative Biology (C3BI) was set up in March 2015 and became an Institut Pasteur–CNRS joint service and research unit in January 2016. The aim of the C3BI is to be a center of excellence at national and international level in the fields of bioinformatics, biostatistics and integrative biology and their applications in biology and health. It was set up in response to the vast reams of data produced in biology and the increasing role of mathematical modeling, statistics and computing in understanding them. The role of the C3BI, a truly multidisciplinary, transversal structure at the Institut Pasteur, is to perform large-scale data processing.
The Center facilitates cooperation and dialog on bioinformatics issues at the Institut Pasteur. It develops methodological research in the areas of IT and statistics, offers support to experimental research units and works in conjunction with the Institut Pasteur International Network.
The C3BI is divided into two broad sections: the Research Area and the Bioinformatics Platform. The Research Area now hosts eleven scientific entities (units and G5s), which work closely with the Institut Pasteur's departments in a wide variety of research fields. The Platform houses all the bioinformatics and biostatistics services.
The C3BI lies at the heart of the Investing in the Future program, Inception, which focuses on multidisciplinary and integrative approaches for understanding the emergence of diseases in the population at large and in individuals.
To mark its inauguration, the C3BI is inviting you all to the François Jacob lecture hall at 9.30am on Monday January 30 to present several of its flagship projects.
The event is open to all but prior registration is required; please send an email to: johanna.escobar@pasteur.fr
We hope to see lots of you at this C3BI event!