July 01, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Dear Team Pasteur,
2022 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Pasteur, genius and founder of our Institute.
It is my great pleasure to launch today the "Louis Pasteur Bicentenary Prizes" (LP200 Prizes). Five scientific prizes will be awarded by the end of 2022 for achievements that capture the Pasteur ethos (l'esprit Pasteur) in the fields of biomedical research, public health, or innovation.
Applications are now open for heads of research units (junior or senior) of the Institut Pasteur and of the Pasteur Network, and for Pasteurians amongst the Alumni community.
The deadline for applications is September 30.
For more information
The laureates of the LP200 Prizes will be selected by an ad hoc international jury that will be chaired by Prof. Pascale Cossart, Secrétaire perpétuel honoraire de l’Académie des sciences.
The award ceremony will be held on the Institut Pasteur campus on January 26th, 2023.
I strongly encourage you to participate in this exciting competition and to spread the news!
Best regards,
Prof. Stewart Cole
Drawing produced by Fabrice Hyber.
Directeur général