October 14, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In order to anticipate the analog lines disappearance and to facilitate the receiving/sending of faxes within the Institut Pasteur, the SI Department has decided to migrate the current lines to the FaxtoMail/MailtoFax solution.
As part of the deployment of this new tool, campus faxes will be replaced by a digital solution that is more practical and more stable, which will no longer depend on existing analog lines (old technology).
An email address specific to your Fax line will be assigned to your team, allowing sending and receiving Faxes in PDF format, through emails. In addition, you’ll be able to scan a file and send it by email from your dedicated mailbox, to a Fax number rewritten in email 01XXXXXXXX@fax.pasteur.fr.
Thus, if you have a fax machine in your unit, please let us know at the dedicated address migrationfax@pasteur.fr, so that we can arrange an appointment to replace your current fax machine and best prepare the shift.
To learn more about this new solution, consult the operating documentation.