December 09, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Pasteur Network Annual Meeting, co-organized with the Institut Pasteur in Italia – Cenci Bolognetti Foundation, took place at the Sapienza University of Rome from 28 to 30 November 2022.
The theme of this year’s meeting was “The Start of a New Chapter”, reflecting the recent development of the Pasteur Network while aiming for a more inclusive and participative governance. It was an opportunity for directors, scientific directors and young researchers from to network to better understand the Network, its collective objectives as well as an opportunity to forge future partnerships and collaborations. Participants represented more than 30 Pasteur Network members, coming from over 20 countries around the world.
During this Meeting in Rome, Dr. Norosoa Razanajatovo, from the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar received the Pasteur Network Talent Award 2022 issued by the President of the Institut Pasteur, Stewart Cole to reward his commitment and career.
Dr. Norosoa Razanajatovo was promoted researcher at the National Center for Influenzain 2022 where she coordinates laboratory surveillance of viral respiratory infections and associated research programs.
She studies the viral causes of acute respiratory infections, the identification of a seasonal characteristics for common respiratory viruses, the development of predictive diagnostic tools and molecular biology of human and zoonotic viruses.