February 02, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
To build the "Pasteur 2030" strategic plan, Yasmine Belkaid wants to consult and involve you as widely as possible through a dedicated questionnaire for all staff, which will be sent to you shortly, on your state of mind at work, your relationship with Institut Pasteur, your perception of Institut Pasteur's image and positioning, but also the levers for action to collectively improve our future.
The answers gathered will be used to build a barometer of campus feelings and aspirations. This exercise, which will be carried out in total anonymity and whose results will be shared with you, is intended to be repeated on a regular basis.
Your participation will be essential in establishing the most accurate diagnosis of the institute's strengths and weaknesses, and building the most appropriate and effective strategic plan accordingly: we are therefore counting heavily on your participation.
The newsletter will shortly be informing you of the method and stages of this consultation.