responsible campus

Save the date – CSR Forum at the Institut Pasteur on October 1, 2024

In connection with European Sustainable Development Week, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR/RSE) Department is holding a CSR forum on October 1, from 11.30am to 1.30pm (in front of the restaurant – building 6). This will be an opportunity for Institut Pasteur staff to find out more and to learn about some best practices that they can implement in their work and their departments.

A number of stands will be set up for the event, in collaboration with the Financial Affairs Department, the Human Resources Department, the Technology Transfer and Industrial Partnership Department (DARRI), the Department for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Central Animal Facility and the GreenTeam, providing information about various topics, including:

•    The Institut Pasteur’s commitments (environmental, CSR, etc.)

•    Carbon footprints

•    The sustainability dashboard of the CMTV project

•    Disability
•    Training, notably via the new LMS platform, Pasteur Learn. eLearning modules on the topic of CSR (environment, disability, inclusion, etc.) will be available to campus by October 1 here.

•    Ethical and environmental procedures in animal facilities

•    DEI initiatives

•    Sustainable procurement

•     Responsible innovation, etc.

If you have any questions, please contact the CSR/RSE Department team by emailing
