
Upcoming events in connection with World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week

Several events are under preparation on campus in connection with World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week 2024, to be held from November 18 to 24 this year.


3rd Symposium Drug Discovery and Screening - Technological Targeted Actions “Innovative Therapeutics: Small Molecules and Biologics in Modern Medicine”

The ATC Drug discovery & Screening team is pleased to invite you to the 3rd Drug Discovery & Screening Symposium “Innovative Therapeutics: Small Molecules and Biologics in Modern Medicine” which will be held on November 14, 2024, from 9:15am to 4:30pm, in the François Jacob auditorium.

The ATC Drug Discovery & Screening (ATC–DDS) fosters multidisciplinary and translational collaborative seed projects between IP research laboratories and the Core Facility PF-CCB to federate all workforces (biologists and chemists) around Drug Discovery & Screening.

During this symposium, national and international speakers will discuss various innovative aspects of Drug Discovery – from chemical probes and drug optimization, AI and modelling to viral RNA therapeutics and immune therapy -- and challenges to tackle a large variety of diseases including emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance.

Full program is available on the event page.

For organization purposes, the event (open to external participants) is free but prior registration is required.

Sign up

Deadline for registration: November 8, 2024

ATC-DDS Scientific Organization Committee
Fabrice Agou, Nienke Buddelmeijer, Emilie Boutet, Mallory Perrin-Wolff and SAB members


3rd PPU Oxford bilateral summit “Chimie Biologique” – “Tackling AntiMicrobial Resistance, together”

The Institut Pasteur is delighted to be partnering with the British Embassy in Paris for an event around antimicrobial resistance as part of AMR awareness week.

A scientific workshop dedicated to “Tackling AntiMicrobial Resistance, together” organised by the PPU Oxford program and the Pasteur Foundation-UK will take place on Monday 18th November 2024 from 1:30pm to 6:30pm, followed by a cocktail in the François Jacob auditorium.

It will bring together scientists from the UK and the Institut Pasteur, at the interface of Chemistry and Biology working in the field of AMR. PhD students of the PPU Oxford program, from Oxford and Paris, are invited to present a short-talk.

British & French Scientists involved in AMR reserach, along with the Pasteur Foundation-UK and guests from the British Embassy in Paris will then be gathered around a cocktail after the symposium. The whole campus is warmly welcome to join for the day.

Full program and registration (free but mandatory)

For any question, please contact Emilie Boutet:


Reminder: "Tackling antibacterial and antifungal resistant infections from disease to innovative therapies" – AMR symposium

As final event of the AMR research priority of the Institut Pasteur and with to the support of the Executive Scientific Division / SPAIS, Labex IBEID and the Société de Chimie Thérapeutique, Institut Pasteur and Microb’UP are organizing an international symposium entitled « Tackling antibacterial and antifungal resistant infections from disease to innovative therapies ».

This event, opened by Pr. Yasmine Belkaid, Director of the Institut Pasteur will be held on December 9-10th, 2024 in the Duclaux amphitheater.

This symposium, open to external participants, aims to bring together multidisciplinary experts to foster collaboration and translational research, and to promote innovative approaches to tackle antibiotic- and antifungal-resistant infections. Internationally renowned experts, researchers and clinicians will share their latest advances in this field, covering topics such as epidemiological surveillance, resistance mechanisms, the discovery of new antibiotics and antifungals, and innovative approaches to combating these infections.

This one-and-a-half-day symposium (December 9th at 2pm until December 10th, 2024 at 5.30pm) will be organized around 4 sessions:

•    Treatment escape and AMR in patients and animals

•    Mechanisms of resistance and treatment escape

•    Chemistry for new treatments

•    Natural products and novel therapeutic strategies


The event will include keynotes presentations, oral communications from submitted abstracts, a poster session and selected short-talks from the posters.

To view the full program, register (free but mandatory) and get all the information you need to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation, click here

•    Deadline to submit an abstract for an oral communication: October 31st, 2024
•    Deadline to submit an abstract for a poster communication: November 8th, 2024
•    Deadline for registration: November 29th, 2024

Note: a few places are still available



Institut Pasteur (France): Paola B. Arimondo, Emilie Boutet, Iuliana Ene, Philippe Glaser

Université Paris Cité/Hôpital Bichat (France): Laurence Armand-Lefèvre

Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (Germany): Rolf Müller

University of Oxford (England): Chris Schofield

EMBL (Germany): Athanasios Typas


For any question, please feel free to contact Emilie Boutet:
