January 10, 2025
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Institut Pasteur Conference Center is pleased to announce four outstanding events that will be held on campus. Practical details can be found below.
• EMBO Workshop: The Immune System of Bacteria, from April 8 to 10, 2025
The past few years have seen a tremendous explosion in discoveries showing that the immune system of bacteria is much more complex and diverse than originally thought. These discoveries led to the realization that beyond CRISPR and restriction enzymes, microbes encode over 100 of new defense systems exhibiting an enormous variety of defensive mechanisms. These discoveries led to the understanding that human cells and bacteria use shared systems and principles to defend against viral infection.
The purpose of the EMBO Workshop: The Immune System of Bacteria is to bring together the emerging community of researchers studying bacterial phage defense and how it illuminates immunology not only in bacteria but also diverse eukaryotic organisms including humans. Topics that will be covered include principles in defense systems, evolution and spread of antiviral immunity, defense island biology and mechanisms of viral evasion of host immunity.
The program will comprise talks from invited speakers, as well as short talks selected from submitted abstracts. Deadline for abstract submission is February 28, 2025.
• 14th international conference “NMR: A tool for biology”, from 26 to 28 May 2025
The 14th “NMR: a tool for Biology” conference, jointly organized by Institut Pasteur and Bruker Biospin, will bring together internationally recognized experts with interests in the application of NMR to address biologically important questions.
Posters and plenary lectures will be presented on the following topic: integrative structural biology, molecular interactions, macromolecular dynamics, protein folding, metabolomics, nucleic acids, membrane systems, drug discovery, in-cell NMR.
• 4th MOSBRI Scientific Conference on Molecular Biophysics, from 10 to 13 June, 2025
MOSBRI (Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure) is a consortium of 13 academic centers of excellence and 2 industrial partners from 11 different European countries, coordinated by the Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) and funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 program. It was launched in 2021 to address the pressing need for a truly integrated and multi-methodological taskforce, combining the most up-to-date instrumentation and the best expertise available in Europe, to the benefit of all researchers in the fields of biomedicine, biotechnology, biomaterials and beyond, from both academia and industry.
Following on the success of previous MOSBRI conferences, MOSBRI2025 will show to an audience of more than 200 scientists from all over Europe and beyond how such an integrated network can tackle an unusually wide variety of life science research questions.
It will include plenary lectures by invited renowned experts, oral and poster presentations, company presentations, as well as success stories by scientists who have benefited from the free trans-national access (TNA) opportunities that MOSBRI provides.
• 14th International Conference on the Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis of Clostridia from September 1 to 4, 2025
The International Conference on the Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis of Clostridia (ClostPath), which began in 1995, has been a leading venue to bring together top scientists and clinicians studying the molecular biology of clostridia and their role in health and disease.
In keeping with this tradition, Clostpath 14 will cover all aspects of clostridia-dependent pathogenesis and will open with a welcome word by Yasmine Belkaid, followed by an introducing keynote an introductory lecture by Pr. Dena Lyras.
The scientific program of Clostpath 14 will include lectures by internationally recognized leaders in clostridial research and clinical practice. In addition to state-of-the-art invited talks on the most recent and exciting discoveries in the field, short oral contributions will be selected from submitted abstracts. Poster presentations will give attendees the opportunity to discuss their ongoing work with a broad audience in line with the goal to bring together basic science with clinical and translational research issues.