responsible campus

2024 retrospective and prospects for 2025 for cyclists at the Institut Pasteur

A look back in the rear-view mirror:



February 2024: The Institut Pasteur joins the "Objectif Employeur Pro Vélo" (Becoming a Pro-Cycling Employer – OEPV) program.


September 2024: A sustainable mobility stand is set up for European Mobility Week, together with a free service for repair and maintenance of 12 bikes belonging to employees.


October 2024:

-    Road safety training: two sessions of "La route vue du guidon " (The road from behind the handlebars) are run to raise awareness among English- and French-speaking cyclists on campus,

-   New infrastructure: 66 cycle parking spaces, designed and approved according to the recommendations of the French Federation of Bicycle Users (FUB), are installed (see the newsletter on November 8).


November 2024–March 2025: The national campaign "Cyclistes, brillez" (Cyclists, shine) run by the FUB is launched on screens at the Institut Pasteur to raise awareness about the importance of visibility for cyclists.

November 26: A participatory workshop on bicycle mechanics followed by a "bicycle mechanics" quiz and a presentation from the cycling section (contact: are held – a fun and instructive event for all cycling enthusiasts!


December 3 at the Hearing Institute: A dedicated environment day is held at the Hearing Institute, with information stands, including one on sustainable mobility offering consumables for bike repairs, as well as a free bike repair and maintenance service for 11 staff bikes.

November 8 to December 6: The survey "Your road safety needs as a cyclist" is completed by 155 staff members, highlighting the main needs and expectations of cyclists. The chart below shows the results (which can be consulted on the ePasteur page).

Looking ahead to 2025



Based on the survey results, the CSR/RSE department will be organizing a series of events throughout 2025 to support all the Institut Pasteur's cyclists:

•    Bike checks/maintenance: 1 to 2 sessions (14 bikes per session).

•    Bike marking: 2 sessions (60 spaces in total).

•    "Cycling safely" training: 90 minutes to improve your knowledge (max. 6 participants per session).

•    Road safety for cyclists: 1 online session of "La route vue du guidon" (The road from behind the handlebars) (2 hrs., max. 40 participants).

High-visibility vests will also be offered to cyclists who do not yet have one (contact or for more information). You can also find detailed information about sustainable mobility on ePasteur.

As part of the OEPV program – which will lead to the Institut Pasteur being awarded the "Pro-Cycling Employer" label (see the November 8 issue of the newsletter) – a long-term survey on accidents and incidents experienced by cyclists will soon be launched.

Any questions? Send an email to


And that's not all!

Throughout the year, the CSE cycling section is on hand to support you. Do you need a hand to repair your bike? The cycling section has a workshop, tools and basic bike repair equipment.

Feel free to contact them by email:

