April 13, 2018
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Clinical Investigation and Access to BioResources Platform (ICAReB) in the Center for Translational Science is organizing an event to encourage dialog between scientists, physicians and research participants, whether healthy volunteers or patients.
This one-day conference, part of the broader "Science and Society" strategy, will be divided into three sessions. It will take place in the Émile Duclaux lecture hall on May 25. The first session will consist of a brief, non-technical presentation of the results of previous research based on biological resources from healthy volunteers or patients. The second session will highlight the various professions involved in the process of conducting a clinical research project. The final session will then look at the issues surrounding responsible, innovative research.
Dominique Maraninchi, an Oncology Professor at the Institut Paoli Calmettes in Marseille, CEO of the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) from 2011 to 2014 and a pioneer of the "health democracy" concept, will give his own account and will also moderate the final session, which will examine what type of dialog we should be creating between the various stakeholders in clinical research.
If you are interested in this issue, please feel free to attend the conference.
The event is free but prior registration is required.
Please send an email to the secretarial office of the ICAReB platform: secretariat-ICAReB@pasteur.fr, or click here.