
Arnaud Fontanet awarded the annual chair in Public Health by the Collège de France – Invitation to his inaugural lecture on January 31, 2019

Arnaud Fontanet, Professor at the Institut Pasteur and at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM), specializes in the epidemiology of infectious and tropical diseases. He is a former resident in the Paris Public Hospital Network (AP-HP) and a doctor of medicine (Paris V University) and public health (Harvard University). Since January 2002 he has directed the Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases Unit and the Center for Global Health at the Institut Pasteur. His main research specializations are viral hepatitis and emerging viruses. Arnaud Fontanet also directs the Pasteur-CNAM School of Public Health.

In June, Arnaud Fontanet was awarded the annual Chair in Public Health by the Collège de France, where he will share his expertise in epidemiology. His inaugural lecture will take place on January 31, 2019, on the topic "Epidemiology, or estimating public health risks". In his address he will explore the development of epidemiology in the second half of the 20th century and look at doubts, debates, social determinants of disease, genetic and molecular factors and big data. He will also direct a course on the successes and limitations of epidemiology and a seminar on the future of epidemiology in the era of big data.

During the year, Arnaud Fontanet will give lectures on two topics: the history of epidemiology, and pandemics. He will also organize a conference on "The future of epidemiology in the era of big data" in May 2019.

You are all welcome to attend Arnaud Fontanet's inaugural lecture on January 31, 2019. The courses and seminars Collège de Frances are free, accessible to all, and do not require pre-registration.

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