Update to the Institut Pasteur High Performance Computing Cluster

To update the current High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster BIC and lift some limitations due to the batch system managing it, the Information Systems Department is opening today a new HPC cluster called TARS.


This cluster runs under the SLURM batch system and contains common machines for a total of 2000 CPUs:

  • 92 "standard" nodes, 12 cores, 64 GB RAM

  • 28 "big mem" nodes, 12 cores, 256 GB RAM

  • 2 "big CPU" nodes, 40 cores, 512 GB RAM and 40 extra standard nodes belonging to research units and dedicated to them in priority


Users are no longer limited on the number of cores used simultaneously as long as the cluster is not full. In return, users are asked to explicitly announce through an option the maximum time their program will run on the cluster. The shorter the program execution, the higher the priority of starting.

As part of the launch of the TARS cluster, the DSI is also opening the first Small Private Online Course (SPOC) using the new e-learning platform implemented at Institut Pasteur.


If you wish to have an account on the TARS cluster, you first have to follow the corresponding SPOC.


Once you have finalized the course and answered the quizzes for all units, send an email to so that we can review your grades and grant you access to the cluster.
