Life outside the lab

Option Form - Reminder for beneficiaries of profit-sharing bonuses for the financial year 2015


logo_natixis.gif Beneficiaries of profit-sharing bonuses for the financial year 2015 have until May 19 to indicate their choice to Natixis Interépargne.


visuelint-ip.png At the beginning of May, all those concerned received a personal Option Form from Natixis Interépargne with the following information:

  • the total profit-sharing amount for the Institut Pasteur in respect of the 2015 financial year,

  • the gross and net amount awarded to them as an individual bonus.


You should use this Option Form to tell Natixis whether you have chosen to invest in the Company Savings Scheme or receive your profit-sharing bonus directly.

You have until May 19 to make your choice by logging into the website indicated on the Option Form with your user name and password (you will find your user name on the Option Form and your password in a letter sent separately) or by returning the form by post to the address indicated by Natixis.

In accordance with the law, if we do not receive a response from you the profit-sharing bonus will automatically be paid into your Company Savings Scheme (the Natixis ES Monétaire mutual fund).

Please note that if you do not yet have an Institut Pasteur Company Savings Scheme account and you would like to invest some or all of your bonus, you have two options:

  • you can open a Company Savings Scheme account yourself with the user name and password that you received by post,

  • you can return the Option Form to Natixis, which will immediately open the account and invest the bonus according to your instructions.


To find out more about the options for payment (direct payment, investment in the Company Savings Scheme, etc.) and how taxation applies to the Company Savings Scheme, or to download explanatory documents in French or English, please consult the dedicated Webcampus page

