June 17, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
► Focus on: Call for proposals: One Health – foodborne zoonoses
The Institut Pasteur is a partner of the European "Med Vet EJP" project, which was set up to develop research projects in the field of One Health – foodborne zoonoses. This innovative project is really more like a research program, with scientific priorities and calls for proposals set by scientific experts, including scientists from the Institut Pasteur. Two calls for proposals will be launched: one in 2016 and one in 2019. For this year, the following topics have been identified:
I - Foodborne zoonoses
• FBZ1 : Improved surveillance system and harmonized data analyses
• FBZ2 : Development and harmonisation of NGS-based methods for detection and tracing of FBZ agents, emerging threats and AMR determinants
• FBZ3 : Biosecurity and other interventions
• FBZ4 : Source attribution and transmission routes
II - Antimicrobial resistance
• AMR1 : Development and harmonization of phenotypic methods
• AMR2 : Epidemiological studies into the dynamics of AMR in human and animals populations and the environment including horizontal gene transfer and selection of AMR
• AMR3 : Risk Assessment AMR
III - Emerging threats
• ET1: Development and harmonisation of non-NGS-based methods for detection of FBZ agents and emerging threats
IV - Integrative topics list
• 1. IA Surveillance data - Standardised data formats and ontologies
• 2. IA Joint platform for sharing surveillance data
A letter of intent should be submitted by July 8, 2016. A full application is requested for September 18, 2016. The letter of intent (three pages long) should be fairly straightforward to produce, especially since applicants are free to negotiate the content of their initial proposal between the first and second review stages.
Anyone interested should contact David Itier: david.itier@pasteur.fr
Objet: identifier au niveau national des projets de recherche précoce en oncologie, innovants et compétitifs sur la scène internationale et les accompagner projets pour optimiser leur attractivité industrielle et accélèrer leur développement au bénéfice du patient, grâce à un partenariat public-privé entre douze laboratoires pharmaceutiques engagés en oncologie et les Cancéropôles.
- porteur de projet issu d’une structure publique (chercheur, clinicien, autre...) ou privée de type start-up, ou micro entreprise non rattachée à un grand groupe;
- projet innovant relevant d’une application en oncologie (prédictif, diagnostique, thérapeutique, DM);
- dans le cadre des actions incitatives du 3ème Plan cancer, une attention particulière sera donnée aux projets proposant des innovations dans le domaine diagnostique ou thérapeutique des cancers pédiatriques (enfants et jeunes adultes);
- propriété intellectuelle assurée (ou demande de brevet en cours de dépôt);
Une même équipe peut déposer plusieurs lettres d’intention sur un même appel à candidatures. Les projets soumis ne sont pas en compétition entre eux.
Finalités de MATWIN:
- permettre la valorisation de projets français d’excellence au niveau international en oncologie (obtention d'un label garant de la qualité du projet d’un point de vue intérêt thérapeutique et de son potentiel de transfert industriel).
- ne disposant pas à ce jour de fonds propres pour financer les projets candidats qui ont reçu un label positif, leur soutien financier sera assuré par des programmes complémentaires.
En savoir plus
Date limite: 17/06/2016 (lettre d’intention)
Purpose: to help European life scientists meet their expenses towards attending a life sciences meeting of their choice, anywhere in the world.
- to work in a European life sciences laboratory
- the meeting to which the candidate plans to attend must take place after the date of the draw he/she is participating in - the candidate's research project must be based on experimental methods involving biological and biochemical reactions with reagents such as antibodies, proteins, oligonucleotides or cells (eg. sequencing, cell-based assays, cell culture, ELISA, microscopy experiments…)
Application package must include:
- name & dates of the meeting where attendance is planned
- summary of the poster that will be presented or of presentation at the meeting
- letter of recommendation from the head of the candidate's laboratory
Funding: there will be 4 draws in 2016 - with 6 winners of each draw who will receive € 400
To find out more
Deadline: 19/06/2016
Purpose: (i) to initiate, set up or pursue bilateral basic, translational or applied cancer research projects with collaborating investigators abroad; (ii) to exchange and exploit complementary skills and material; and (iii) to receive training in advanced experimental research methods and techniques
- investigators, clinicians, epidemiologists, public health professionals
- possess PhD (or equivalent degree) at least 2 years prior to the application closing date of the YY Selection applied for;
- actively engaged in cancer research
- have recent publications in the international peer-reviewed literature
- prevention-oriented projects are especially encouraged
14-16 fellowships awarded per year.
- Average value: US$ 10,000 each
- Duration: 3 months - extension: up to 3 months with funding secured by the fellow from other sources and at no cost to the UICC
To find out more
Deadline: 15/07/2016
Objet: poursuivre les recherches sur le VIH/sida afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de persistance de l’infection, le rôle de l’hyper activation du système immunitaire et les effets des traitements à long terme, la compréhension de la relation entre l’infection, la susceptibilité accrue aux comorbidités et le vieillissement (maladies cardiovasculaires, cancer, troubles cognitifs).
Domaines: toutes disciplines de la recherche fondamentale, appliquée et clinique sur le VIH/sida:
- dans tous les domaines de la recherche biomédicale (virologie, immunologie, vaccins préventifs et thérapeutiques, traitement), ainsi que
- dans les domaines de la recherche en sciences de l'homme et de la société, en épidémiologie et en santé publique (projets de recherche sur les co-infections et pathologies associées).
- tous chercheurs oeuvrant dans la recherche sur le VIH/sida
- collaboration d'équipes n'exerçant pas directement dans le domaine dans une optique multidisciplinaire encouragée.
1- aides aux équipes de recherche
- durée: 24 mois maximum
- pour des frais de fonctionnement, des frais d’équipement, des frais de rémunération de personnel (hors jeunes chercheurs, éligibles pour un financement nominatif)
2- financements nominatifs aux jeunes chercheurs
- de doctorat, pour la dernière année de thèse (durée : 12 mois maximum);
- de post-doctorat (durée: 24 mois maximum);
- de recherche en tant que médecins ou pharmaciens (durée : 24 mois maximum);
En savoir plus
Date limite: 27/07/2016 13:00
Purpose: to encourage innovative and high risk/impact research in the area of physics/mechanics of embryonic development to be explored in model organisms. The research proposed under this program can explore approaches and concepts new to the area of developmental tissue mechanics, research and development of new technologies, or initial research and development of data upon which significant future research may be built. To promote research aimed at generating new and critical information about tissue mechanics relevant to vertebrate development and understanding the basis for developmental disorders.
Budget and duration: Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over a two-year period, with no more than $200,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year. The total project period may not exceed two years.
To find out more
Deadline: several dates - next deadline 19/08/2016 (letter of intent)
Purpose: encourage applications from institutions/organizations that propose to advance our knowledge in the area of the physics and mechanics of embryonic development. Applicants should propose hypothesis-driven developmental research with the prospect of gaining new and critical information about tissue mechanics relevant to vertebrate development and understanding the basis for developmental disorders. Investigators are encouraged to explore approaches and concepts new to the area of developmental tissue mechanics, and use newly developed techniques superior to the ones currently used in the field.
Budget and duration:
The budget may not exceed $500,000 Direct Costs per year.
The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is 5 years.
To find out more
Deadline: several dates - next deadline 30/08/2016 (letter of intent)
Purpose: to strengthen research leadership across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by attracting and retaining exceptionally talented individuals who will lead high quality programmes of research on key global health issues pertinent to the region and beyond.
Fields: all biomedical and health research areas within the MRC/DF ID global health remit (infections research; nutrition research; maternal and reproductive health research; research on non-communicable diseases including metabolic, cardiovascular, cancer and mental health research; epidemiological and social science approaches to health issues; public health research; health systems and implementation research.)
Priority will be given to applications that address the key health problems relevant to national and regional health needs in sub-Saharan Africa
Awards will provide support for up to 5 years and should not exceed £750k in total.
To find out more
Deadline: 14/09/2016 16:00
Purpose: to support original and competitive research projects from basic science to clinical research having primarily focused on the understanding and treatment of demyelinating diseases using remyelination approaches.
- participation of at least two research laboratories, including one in France with a major role in the project.
- relevance to the proposed general topics.
- 300 000 € for 2 to 3 scientific projects of high caliber for one year
- to cover laboratory expenses, equipment and fellowships
To find out more
Deadline: 27/09/2016
Objet: aider ou récompenser un ou plusieurs chercheurs travaillant en équipe et se consacrant à l'étude des cancers professionnels (épidémiologie, mécanisme de la carcinogénèse, prévention, dépistage).
Candidature: les candidats devront adresser leur mémoire à l'attentin du Prof. PAIRON au Comité Départemental de la Ligue contre le Cancer à Argenteuil avant le 15/01/2017
Dotation: 18 750 €
En savoir plus
Date limite: 15/01/2017