September 23, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The French Blood Service (EFS) is keen to remind everyone that giving blood really can save lives. The EFS also points out that blood products have a limited shelf life and that there is an ongoing need: 10,000 people have to give blood each day to meet the needs of the EFS.
Giving blood is a generous, selfless and community-minded act. Your blood donations help treat a million people every year.
A blood drive will be held on campus on Thursday September 29, from 10am to 3.30pm in modules 1 and 2 of the conference hall ("espace congrès") under the staff restaurant.
You can give blood if:
you are between 18 and 70 years of age
you weigh at least 50kg
Anybody can give blood subject to certain conditions and during the prior confidential medical appointment.
Proof of ID is requested for first-time donors. You are recommended not to come in with an empty stomach.
Make it a date with the blood drive!