June 26, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In view of the ongoing pandemic, the French government recently decided that all residence permits with an expiry date between March 16 and June 15, 2020 will be extended by six months. So even if your residence permit expired during this period, you can continue to work and to enjoy social protection for six months following the expiry date.
Documents covered:
· residence permits (except for special residence permits issued to foreign diplomatic and consular staff)
· receipts of residence permit applications (récépissés)
· long-stay visas
· proof of asylum applications
To consult the government memo (in French)
Given the extraordinary circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that some of the Institut Pasteur's units and departments were forced to reduce their activity, the Institut Pasteur decided to make use of the French government's partial furlough scheme from March 17 to June 30, 2020.
The June payslips of those staff affected by the partial furlough scheme (whether partly or fully during the period from March 17 to June 30) will have additional lines showing the following information:
- their usual base salary;
- "partial furlough" absences as indicated by managers (for March and April) or entered directly by staff in the HR portal (for May and June);
- the partial furlough compensation payment for the hours not worked, corresponding to 70% of the gross reference salary;
- the additional payment from the Institut Pasteur to maintain net salaries before tax at 100%.
The full salaries of Institut Pasteur staff affected by the partial furlough scheme have been maintained, unchanged, and paid on the usual date; the compensation payment provided by law is topped up by the Institut Pasteur to guarantee 100% of each employee's net salary.
For help understanding your June payslip, click here
Find out more about the partial furlough scheme introduced in response to the current circumstances
The Security Department in the Technical Resources and Environment Department would like to inform you that the pedestrian access points (turnstiles) at 96 rue Falguière and 205 rue Vaugirard will reopen on Monday June 29. Access will be authorized from Monday to Friday, 7am to 8pm.
The following measures will be implemented to ensure everyone’s safety and protection:
• Turnstiles adapted to better manage incoming and outgoing flows
• Turnstiles disinfected regularly
• Hydroalcoholic gel at campus entrance gates
• Specific bins for used masks upon arrival on campus
• Floor marking to respect social distancing
If you have any questions, please contact surete@pasteur.fr
Access by car or 2-wheel motorized or not will be possible from 7am to 9pm at entrance gates 25 and 28 rue du Docteur Roux.
The goal is to facilitate access to employee vehicles and parking on campus for employees who do not take public transportation.
Some recommendations to optimize parking on campus:
- Registration of vehicles is not required until August 28, nor any authorization by email. You will be asked to present your badge to open entrance gates.
- Parking in car park areas is preferred option
- In case of heavy traffic, surface parking areas are exceptionally authorized and subject to the following conditions:
• Parking must not block traffic lanes
• No parking on footpaths or pedestrian areas
• No parking in front of building entrance and emergency exit
• No parking on fire tracks and in front of emergency equipment (fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, etc.)
• Mandatory display of an emergency contact number on vehicle dashboard (a model is available on Webcampus)
The Occupational Health Department would like to remind you of the need to disinfect your working environment on a regular basis. You can do so with a 70% ethanol solution and disposable wipes.
It is vital to clean surfaces regularly because SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted by hand contact.
Bottles of 70% ethanol solution can be ordered via the procurement portal (supplier: VWR International).
The "Bien'Fait" restaurant run by Eurest will reopen on Monday June 29, from 8am to 2:30pm.