July 03, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic, all of us have had to face uncertainties and adapt to many changes. The Senior Management Team of the Institut Pasteur and the PBRP Committee are fully aware of the requirements generated by these exceptional circumstances, and wish to collect your feedback on this period in order to understand how you experienced it, whatever was your situation - lockdown, remote work or priority activity performed on campus - and learn lessons to prepare for the coming months.
This initiative reflects our commitment to strengthen the quality of life at work for Pasteurian employees, which is one of the priorities of the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan.
In this context, an online survey has been developed and will be available from July 3 to 15, 2020 with the following objectives:
better understand how you experienced the period we have just gone through
assess your perception of the means implemented by the Institut Pasteur, in particular to ensure your protection, keep you informed of the measures taken as part of the Business continuity Plan, and of the gradual resumption of activity on campus
collect your comments and expectations regarding work organization measures implemented since March
Your feedback will in particular provide input for our reflection about the evolution of telework/remote work conditions and practices at the Institut Pasteur.
In concrete terms:
The link to answer the survey will be directly and individually sent to each employee by email this Friday July 3, sent by enquete@prpa.pasteur.fr
The survey will only take ten minutes to complete
Response deadline is on July 15 included and you can answer either in French or in English
Survey processing is completely anonymous. Your input is confidential and processed by an external body
The survey applies to all Institut Pasteur employees working as of June 26, 2020, whether you are an employee or an ‘Orex’, on permanent or fixed-term contract
The results will be communicated in early September
We thank you in advance for your participation and we express our gratitude for your commitment during this exceptional period.
The PBRP committee and Senior Management Team of the Institut Pasteur