
Report on the ceremony commemorating Louis Pasteur's death – watch the President's address

On Monday September 28, the Institut Pasteur commemorated the 125th anniversary of Louis Pasteur's death with a ceremony for staff. For the first time this year, the event could be followed online via Teams because of the health crisis.

After reflecting on the extraordinary situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the considerable uncertainty it has raised in human, economic and scientific terms, Stewart Cole, President, reiterated a number of key principles "by which we can continue to abide, which guide our action and serve as a source of encouragement." It was in this context that he turned his attention to the person of Louis Pasteur and the legacy of values that he left to the Institut Pasteur – tenacity, audacity and self-sacrifice, as well as humility –, which have turned him into a "universal icon." These values were clearly visible in the unprecedented response by the Institut Pasteur's teams and departments to the COVID-19 crisis, a response which Stewart Cole described as "the finest tribute that could possibly be paid" to Louis Pasteur.

The event also served as an opportunity to pay tribute to all Pasteurians – some well known, some working behind the scenes, both scientists and administrative staff – who have played a major part in developing the Institut Pasteur's identity and enhancing its visibility over the years.


Watch the commemorative eventTélécharger le discours
