Human resources

Launch of the Institut Pasteur mentoring program

The Institut Pasteur mentoring program was officially launched on November 25 and 26 at an event attended by scientists interested in finding out more about the aims of the program and how it will work.

If you missed the launch meeting, you can see the presentation shown by clicking here.

We would remind you that the program is aimed at Master's students, engineers, PhD students and post-doctoral fellows on fixed-term contracts who are looking to develop their career more effectively.

As a mentee, you can ask for guidance from a mentor to:

•    find out more about a profession,

•    devise an effective job search strategy,

•    improve your skills in a specific area,

•    develop your professional network, etc.

To find out more about available mentoring arrangements, log in to the Alumni website (with your usual user name and password) – click here

Find out more about mentoring
