"Drawing up a Data Management Plan" training on Wednesday July 1, from 10am to 12 noon

Have you been asked to draw up a Data Management Plan (DMP) without actually knowing what one is? Have you found yourself wondering how a DMP might be useful for you? Or have you had difficulties answering the questions you need to cover in a DMP?

This session is for you! The CeRIS will help you understand the questions that need to be answered in a DMP and introduce you to some data management best practices that you should try to adopt. You will find out how DMPs can be a valuable tool throughout the research process. Finally, this training will show you how to use two tools to draw up your DMP collaboratively: DMP OPIDoR and REDCap.

The session is open to all and is in English. It will take place via Microsoft Teams.

To sign up

To consult the training program

For more informations : biblioformation@pasteur.fr
