The role of the Occupational Health Department during the health crisis

In the current health situation caused by the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, we would remind you that in the event of a positive PCR test, there is a national contact-tracing system involving the CPAM (health insurance fund), family physicians and the ARS (Regional Health Agency).

Within this framework, our Occupational Health Department is required to cooperate with health authorities, but it must not usurp the role of those involved in contact tracing or take action outside its remit.

The Occupational Health Department can:

  • offer guidance to people who suddenly experience symptoms on campus

  • help draw up a list of contacts for any employee who tests positive for COVID-19

  • provide information about cleaning any premises used by staff with symptoms who are suspected of having COVID-19 (working together with the head of department or another contact person and the Risk Prevention Department)

  • pass on relevant messages/guidance from Santé publique France to staff depending on their situation (symptomatic cases or contacts) and inform them about the possibilities for taking a PCR test

 The Occupational Health Department cannot:

  • issue prescriptions for PCR tests to contacts or people with symptoms who are self-isolating at home

  • produce medical certificates for employees who are self-isolating and unable to work from home

  • answer questions from patients at home or offer advice regarding their family or social environment

In all these situations, staff must contact their family physician and the CPAM.

The Occupational Health Department must be able to resume its day-to-day work of ensuring health in the workplace (medical appointments, managing access to BSL3/A3 laboratories, assessing work stations, investigating accidents in the workplace, etc.) as required by law since September 1 and confirmed by the French Labor Inspectorate.

