Survey on supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE)

There are ongoing difficulties with supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE), and the problem may continue at least until the end of 2020. The management team would like to get a clearer idea of your stocks and consumption of PPE and is asking all research units concerned to fill out a questionnaire.

The survey relates to PPE and Surfa'Safe Premium used in all premises except for BSL3 and animal facilities (a previous survey was sent out for BSL3 facilities, and supplies for animal facilities are managed by the Central Animal Facility).

The link to this survey will be sent to unit heads and health and safety officers. Ideally, one questionnaire should be completed for each entity after consulting staff, but a questionnaire may be filled in for several teams if the purchases for those teams are pooled.

After a general section about the entity, the questionnaire contains five other sections:

  • Hand protection (disposable gloves)

  • Respiratory protection (particulate surgical masks, FFP2 and FFP3)

  • Body protection (smocks, hair caps, shoe covers, gowns)

  • Eye protection (goggles, OTG goggles, visors)

  • Surfa'Safe Premium disinfectant

The final section was added because of the current problems sourcing Surfa'Safe Premium. Please note that the Risk Prevention Department has an emergency stock. Teams that have approved "FB Spray" may order this as an alternative.

Please only fill in the sections related to equipment that you use and leave the other sections blank.

The PBRP Committee

