Human resources

Right to disconnect: signing of an agreement and key best messaging practices

To mark its strong commitment to the well-being of all staff, the Institut Pasteur management team and three representative trade union organizations recently signed an agreement relating to the right to disconnect.

-    This agreement seeks to improve the quality of working life and to guarantee that a healthy balance is maintained between staff's personal and professional lives. It establishes the conditions governing the exercise by staff of their right to disconnect in application of the French Labor Code. The agreement also sets out practices for ensuring proper use of professional online tools.

-    During the second half of the year, information and awareness-raising measures for teams and managers will be rolled out at the Institut Pasteur. These will focus on the right to disconnect, reasonable, regulated and appropriate use of online communication tools and resources, as well as best practices for working meetings.

  • Best practices

Pending implementation of the measures to be developed in the coming months, please find below some initial useful tips to remind you of the importance of adopting best practices for "working more effectively together". Between work on campus and home working, email is currently an indispensable method of communication alongside Teams. Good email etiquette is therefore essential.

► Adopt "good email etiquette" with a practical guide

► Remain mindful of the time when you send out messages, and where possible make use of Outlook's delayed delivery options. The Information Systems Department shows you how to do this.

► Lastly, follow the best practices guide compiled by the Archives Division of the CeRIS to help you organize your email.

To avoid flooding your inbox and facilitate access to information contained in certain emails, it is important to know how to distinguish between which ones you need to keep and which ones need deleting, and to regularly sort through your emails and file them in a logical system. Click here to follow the guide!


  • Help and guidance

•    Click here to consult the agreement
•    Consult the page dedicated to the right to disconnect and best practices

Communication and awareness-raising measures on these themes will be rolled out on campus starting after the summer break.


