BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, June 25, 2021


A general staff meeting will be held on Tuesday June 29, from 10am to 12 noon (on line). This meeting, opened by Stewart Cole, will be an opportunity to present the latest developments regarding the various priority scientific areas and concerted actions, midway through the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan.


In connection with efforts to secure the EU's "HR Excellence in Research" award, part of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), the Institut Pasteur management team is delighted to announce that the accreditation application was submitted to the European Commission today, Friday June 25, 2021.

Scientific events

The Scientific Secretariat General compiles information on the week’s conferences and publications, patents, funding opportunities, job vacancies, training and events that you may find useful for your career...


Do you have questions about managing research data? Come along and ask them at one of the Open Desk sessions run by the Data Management Core Facility! The Data Management Core Facility is running Open Desk sessions every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month this summer.


Responsible for an average of 500,000 hemorrhagic cases per year, dengue virus threatens more than two and a half billion people worldwide each year. A Study about it, carried out by the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge jointly with the Institut Pasteur and The Rockefeller University, is the subject of a publication in the journal Science

Human resources

To mark its strong commitment to the well-being of all staff, the Institut Pasteur management team and three representative trade union organizations recently signed an agreement relating to the right to disconnect.


On June 12, the Vivons Vélo events started up again. This was a great opportunity to get together for a sociable cycle ride after several months away! Events will be taking place in more than 30 towns and cities around France