
General staff meeting on June 29 from 10am to 12

A general staff meeting will be held on Tuesday June 29, from 10am to 12 noon (on line).
This meeting, opened by Stewart Cole, will be an opportunity to present the latest developments regarding the various priority scientific areas and concerted actions, midway through the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan.

The items on the meeting's agenda are:

  • The latest on progress in our priority scientific areas, COVID-19 excluded:

- Area 1: Emerging infectious diseases
- Area 2: Antimicrobial resistance
- Area 3: Brain connectivity and neurodegenerative diseases
- Concerted action for Cancer
- Concerted action for Vaccinology

  • Review of the resumption of activities and working from home: Odile Hermabessiere

Several question-and-answer sessions will be held to address your questions.


Join the meeting (live event)

