
Practical course: Image Processing for Electron Microscopy - Tomography (IPEMtomo)

The first Institut Pasteur practical course on Image Processing for Electron Microscopy focused on Tomography will be held on October during four days, on 18-20 & 22nd, 2021.

Electron tomography combined with image processing is one of the most powerful techniques for studying cellular details in 3D. In situ studies can reveal additional important information about macromolecules in their complex environment and adopted conformations.

This course aims to introduce basic concepts in image analysis and practical experience in tomographic reconstructions for different needs: single and dual-axis room temperature tomography, processing of low-dose tilt series with and without fiducials and 3D volume rendering (with Thermo Fisher Amira software). Special requirements during reconstruction for subsequent subtomogram analysis will be discussed.

The course is aimed at PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, engineers and researchers who have some experience in EM and would like to use electron tomography in the near future. Applicants who already have tilt-series for processing will be prioritized. Participants will become autonomous and able to apply what they have learnt in their projects.
Online registration

Attendees: 12

Application deadline: July 24, 2021

Organizers: Anastasia GAZI & Anna SARTORI-RUPP

