June 25, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
1/ Mask wearing no longer mandatory on campus outside buildings
Masks no longer need to be worn when moving around campus outside buildings. On the other hand, masks must still be worn inside all buildings, offices and confined spaces. This also includes all the cafeterias and eating areas.
We nevertheless suggest that you keep your mask on when walking between buildings over short distances.
We would therefore ask you to ensure that you always have one or more masks on you and to continue observing all the applicable hygiene and distancing measures.
2/ Social gatherings
Many of you wish to organize social gatherings once again.
As explained in our message of June 7, social gatherings notably involving staff on campus in a professional context may once again be organized provided that hygiene measures are strictly complied with, masks are worn, rooms are aired/ventilated and distancing rules (maintaining a physical distance of one meter) are followed.
You are recommended to organize these social gatherings outdoors and not to exceed 25 participants.
The following arrangements should be noted:
- Drinks receptions may only be organized in three dedicated areas: The 25, the CIS hall and the atrium of the François Jacob building
- Drinks receptions may not be held in meeting rooms as they are not designed to hold more than 25 people.
3/ Meals
Given that the physical distance from others has reverted to 1 meter, the company restaurant and cafeterias may operate once again at half capacity (50%).
Outdoor eating areas have been provided at various points around campus to enable staff to eat with colleagues.
The "La Table" restaurant is now open again (booking required).
4/ Meetings and outside visitors
Face-to-face meetings may be held again as long as the occupancy limits indicated on meeting room doors are observed, and hygiene and distancing measures are complied with and masks worn in confined spaces.
The use of lecture halls is regulated and requires you to book via Outlook; your request will then be sent to PRPA-science for approval.
Exemption requests no longer need to be made for outside visitors. This applies until further notice. You must register visitors via the Télémaque application and do not need to notify PRPA-science@pasteur.fr or PRPA-priorite@pasteur.fr.
We nevertheless suggest that you limit outside visitors as far as possible. We would accordingly encourage you to continue to hold meetings by video conference or use a combination of face-to-face/remote meetings to limit the presence of outside visitors on campus.
Meeting rooms are (or will soon be) equipped with occupancy indicators and Hygiabox units.
For further information about all these measures, you may consult the Webcampus page.
5/ Reminder of protective measures in force
We would remind you that hygiene and distancing measures and face masks continue to be compulsory in shared and confined spaces and that you are strongly recommended to regularly air enclosed spaces whenever possible.
Vaccination can prevent severe forms of COVID-19, but hygiene and distancing measures still apply even with vaccination.
It is important to bear in mind that groups of people not wearing masks increase the risk of infection, including outdoors if safe distances are not maintained.