Video from Stewart Cole: Keeping the Institut Pasteur running smoothly during the COVID-19 pandemic

« Dear colleagues,
As we are reminded on a regular basis by our public authorities, we are living through an unprecedented crisis that requires the concerted efforts of the entire nation. With its strong legacy of scientific excellence, the Institut Pasteur has a key role to play in this public health war. More than 250 staff members – scientists and support teams alike – are contributing to the effort.
Confinement is a necessary step to curb the pandemic, but I am aware of the negative impact it is having on our work and lives. Although many of us are working from home, I feel that it is important for us to keep in touch, because our day-to-day work depends on human interaction. The Human Resources Department and the Department of Communications will be sending out some tips and best practices on how you can keep in touch with all your colleagues. I have chosen these videos ( as a way of sharing the latest news about the work of the Business Continuity Plan management team and the progress of our research projects.
I hope to see you all again soon.»

Professor Stewart Cole

Internal use only

