
French National Bioethics Consultation: a forum for the public and the research community - Interview with Prof. Jean-François Delfraissy

pr_delfraissy.png An extensive consultation is being held ahead of the next revision of the French Bioethics Law. In many ways this National Bioethics Consultation will serve as a meeting place for the general public and the research community: everyone is encouraged to find out more and share their views, from ordinary citizens with no bioethics experience to experts in the field. The overarching aim is to address the following question: "What sort of world do we want to create for the future?" The French National Consultative Ethics Committee for Health and Life Sciences (CCNE) has made this crucial, far-reaching question the central theme of the consultation. Professor Jean-François Delfraissy, President of the CCNE, tells us a little about the challenges and implications of this large-scale consultation, which will come to an end on April 30.

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Picture ©Emmanuel Doumic

