responsible campus

Green electricity: are you plugged in? Take up the challenge with the Institut Pasteur!

Over the past few years, the development of renewable energy sources has become a hot topic, and green energy offerings are on the rise. As part of broader efforts to raise awareness of these new options among the general public, the company Origo, a young start-up which provides Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin, is joining forces with the Responsible Campuses network to organize the eco-friendly competition "Student for Green Watts" on Facebook – and the Institut Pasteur is rising to the challenge!

The aim of this competition, which is running from April 1 to 30, is to inform the public about the concept of green electricity, and – if the Institut Pasteur succeeds – to make campus energy consumption greener.

The rules are simple: Institut Pasteur staff can go to the Origo.Energy Facebook page and "like" the Institut Pasteur logo. If the logo collects 50 "likes", it will receive a month of Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin, and if it reaches 500 "likes", the offer extends to a year.

For more information about the competition, go to or send an email to

Thanks in advance to all those who take part. Keep the "likes" coming – At this time, the Institut Pasteur is currently in second place on Facebook!


