
Institut Pasteur Summer School


The first Institut Pasteur Summer School, which will look at company start-up and business development of life sciences research, will be held from the afternoon of Thursday July 7 to the morning of Saturday July 9, 2016, on the Institut Pasteur premises, in partnership with the Medicen competitiveness cluster. This event is geared towards PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, scientists and engineers interested in company start-up in the area of life sciences.

The aim is to inspire young scientists from the Institut Pasteur and partner organizations to innovate, commercialize the results of their research and start up a company. The Summer School will emphasize the importance of innovation, explain how to set up a company in France and abroad and how to access funding, outline the practical steps involved in company start-up and offer some advice on how to be successful in this area.


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Additional information and the program are available.
