
Inception: Emergence of diseases - 2017 call for applications from interdisciplinary doctoral students

The Inception program, supported by the Convergence Future Investment call, is issuing a call for doctoral contracts for doctoral students working on cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary and integrative projects, aimed at understanding the emergence of diseases and finding ways of fighting them. In addition to a knowledge of biology and an interest in life sciences and their medical applications, candidates must have solid postgraduate training in mathematics, statistics, IT, physics, or social science. They will be jointly supervised by scientists with complementary skills working in different laboratories, typically two Institut Pasteur laboratories or one Institut Pasteur laboratory and another laboratory affiliated to an Inception partner. The project will be written by the candidate and his or her supervisors. It will focus on the main Inception themes: methodology approaches and big data; the emergence of diseases within populations; the emergence of diseases within individuals; social science approaches for the study of emerging diseases. The criteria for application selection will relate to the student's career path, the quality and originality of the project, and the capabilities of the laboratories and supervisors in successfully completing the project.


To apply please send a single pdf document to including:

  • project summary (1-page);

  • student resume (1 page);

  • detailed project (1-2 pages);

  • resumes of supervisors and presentation of their laboratories, (1 page for each one);

  • grades and ranking in the first- and second-year Master's (M1 & M2) examinations;

  • opinion of the doctoral school at which the student is enrolled for their PhD.


Submission deadline: June 2, 2017

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