
The Institut Pasteur supports the March for Science movement


March for Science will be held on April 22, 2017 - Earth Day - when almost 300 marches will be taking place in over 20 countries. The March for Science initiative was launched in the United States to champion the vital importance of science for society. This is a way of showing the public's support and commitment to the principle of research independence, supporting the development of knowledge in the face of preconceived ideas and prejudices, recognizing the need for a dialog between science and society, and demanding that scientific research should be factored into political decisions. This march will also be an opportunity to reflect together on the role of science in society and to launch initiatives to promote scientific culture

The Institut Pasteur is one of the official supporters of this movement and is committed to advocating for "the independence of research and the freedom of science", in the words of President Christian Bréchot.


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