science and society

"Recombinations, science, fiction, society" on May 24 and 25, 2024

On May 24 and 25, the Institut Pasteur will host an event in the CIS that will be open to the general public: "Recombinations, science, fiction, society."

The event will bring together researchers from all horizons (biology and health, humanities and social sciences, and philosophy), science fiction authors and artists, and the general public, with the aim of improving our understanding of where the world is heading, assessing current trends and building desirable futures.

Come along and discuss issues related to research and society via round tables, a film screening and a participatory workshop. By embracing diverse, complementary approaches, this event will create a new space for reflection and imagination, for today and for the future, while exploring the potential contribution of recombinations between science, fiction and society.

Find out more and register

