April 28, 2017
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
“Dear colleagues and friends,
In the context of profound changes in science, medicine and public health, the Institut Pasteur has been implementing its strategic plan since 2014 to reinforce its ambition and its leading role, while retaining its specificity.
In the framework of this plan, the Institut Pasteur has been conducting for several months an in-depth thinking about its research priorities and the themes we would like to develop in the future.
With this in mind, a symposium was held on February 3 to reflect on the scientific prospects of the Institut Pasteur by 2025.
This day was a unique opportunity to discuss and share on our common scientific future. Following this meeting, a document was drawn up, in consultation with members of the Scientific Council and the College of Scientific Advisers, in order to better define the strategic orientations of the Institut Pasteur.
This document has been put together by many people and working groups that we would like to warmly thank here. In particular, participated in this reflection P. Bousso, A. Jacquier, J.M. Ghigo, G. Eberl, S. Tajbakhsh, P. Bastin, C. Zimmer, S. Etienne-Manneville and many others. This document is also based on the scientific vision presented in the context of the strategic plan of the Institut Pasteur, coordinated by O. Schwartz and P. Cossart (Scientific Council), as well as on the LabEx projects IBEID (P. Cossart & P. Sansonetti), Milieu Intérieur (M. Albert & L. Quintana-Murci) and REVIVE (S. Tajbakhsh & F. Schweisguth).
This document, entitled "Scientific Vision Institut Pasteur 2025", is now available to the Pasteur community and we encourage you to submit your comments and suggestions at pasteur2025@pasteur.fr.
Thank you in advance for your participation.”
Christian Bréchot, President, and Lluis Quintana-Murci, Scientific Director
Consult the document "The Institut Pasteur's scientific vision for 2025"