
Changes to the Center for Translational Science and the Mutualized Platform for Microbiology

  • As from April 1, 2023, various changes will come into effect for the following entities in the Medical Department:

•    The Center for Translational Science (CRT) will be closed as an entity, and the Clinical Research Department (PIRC) and Clinical Investigation and Access to BioResources (ICAReB) platform, previously affiliated with the CRT, will now report directly to the Director of the Medical Department, Pierre Buffet, and will be renamed as follows:

- The PIRC is now the Clinical Research Coordination Office (PC-RC).
The PC-RC, led by Nathalie Jolly, will support scientists in managing projects and compliance with ethical and regulatory requirements.

ICAReB is now ICAReB-Clin.
ICAReB-Clin, led by Marie-Noëlle Ungeheuer, will perform clinical research on healthy volunteers and certain cohorts in projects sponsored by the Institut Pasteur.

•    The Mutualized Platform for Microbiology (P2M) led by Vincent Enouf, which is mainly responsible for sequencing samples for CNRs and was previously affiliated with PIBnet (now closed), will now be affiliated with the National Reference Center coordination unit, which reports to Isabelle Cailleau.


More information in decision memo 1293

