April 08, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The board of members of the Works Council and staff representatives will be meeting on Friday April 15, 2016 at 9.30am to appoint new members of the Institut Pasteur Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT) (see article L.4613-1 of the French Labor Code).
The aim of the CHSCT is to help protect the health and safety of employees and to improve working conditions.
The following members will be appointed:
9 Institut Pasteur staff representatives, including 3 supervisory or executive staff members,
2 representatives of external research organizations on campus.
No minimum service period is required to become a member of the CHSCT.
Staff of the Institut Pasteur or external organizations on campus who would like to apply should contact the current CHSCT secretary, Anne-Marie Balazuc (anne-marie.balazuc@pasteur.fr).