
Blood drive on campus on April 12

The French Blood Service (EFS) will be running a blood drive on Tuesday April 12, from 12 noon to 5pm, in the CIS hall (building 15, floor -1).

The need for blood products is as great as ever, and ongoing efforts are vital.

Make an appointment now
Name of the blood drive: Institut Pasteur
Password: I01305

Giving blood, vaccines and COVID-19

  • More information on the measures related to COVID-19

  • Make sure you check your eligibility with the online self-assessment ("je m'auto-évalue avant de donner").

Together, let's continue to save lives : there is a daily need for 10,000 blood donations for emergency relief and surgery, and to treat hemorrhage during childbirth, blood disorders, cancer and other conditions. Giving blood is an irreplaceable voluntary and generous act, and today there is an urgent need for donations. The blood you give is used to treat people in need. Donating blood is a simple, quick and selfless act of kindness.

Proof of ID is requested for first-time donors. We would recommend that you don't give blood on an empty stomach.

Thank you in advance for your generous donation, and a special thank you to the 75 donors (including 8 first-time donors) who gave blood in February!
