science and society

Bioethics Law: a look back at the participatory process adopted for the National Bioethics Consultation

A bioethics bill was tabled at the French Council of Ministers on Wednesday July 24, 2019. As the bill is examined by the French Parliament in September, it is a good opportunity to look at how this process came about and examine the contribution made by the French National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE). The CCNE Chairman, Professor Jean-François Delfraissy, came to the Institut Pasteur on June 25 to speak about the National Bioethics Consultation held in 2018 and discuss the topic "science and society" with scientists. The National Bioethics Consultation, held with a view to revising the Bioethics Law, was an excellent opportunity to take a closer look at issues related to research and society. During his visit to the Institut Pasteur, Jean-François Delfraissy spoke about the method adopted for the consultation and explained how the citizens' debate enabled the CCNE to submit an informed opinion.

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