December 10, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
On Wednesday December 8, an extraordinary information meeting was held for staff via Teams about the COVID-19 epidemic situation and the challenges of the next few weeks.
More than 1000 of you attended this meeting, which was an opportunity to discuss the following subjects:
The latest news on the epidemic situation in France – Arnaud Fontanet
The new Omicron variant and mutation profile – Etienne Simon-Lorière
The importance of control and protection measures – Arnaud Fontanet
Arnaud and Etienne also spent a considerable amount of time answering the many questions from staff about these topical issues, given how the situation has developed in recent weeks.
NB: Several questions could not be addressed during the meeting; they will be dealt with by next week and the answers will be available in next week's newsletter.