
MediLabSecure project and "Vectors and diseases" exhibition


medilabsecure_small2.png The countries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions share the same sea borders, which means they are faced with the same public health issues and threats. The aim of the MediLabSecure project is to build a strong network of laboratories working on emerging viruses that are pathogenic for humans and/or animals. This alliance will focus on raising awareness, assessing risks, and monitoring and controlling these vector-borne or airborne viral diseases. Four smaller networks of laboratories will be set up within the network to encourage interaction in the following four fields: human health, animal health, entomology and strengthening public health. It is therefore with a vision of « One Health » that the Institut Pasteur and its European partners lead the network of 55 laboratories in 19 countries

Alongside the annual conference for the partners of the MediLabSecure project, which will take place from December 15 to 17, an exhibition will be held for conference participants and also for all Institut Pasteur staff. This exhibition, entitled "Vectors and diseases", illustrates the many vectors that transmit diseases and highlights the research that is being carried out to combat this problem more effectively. The 18 exhibition panels will be displayed in the François Jacob building, at the entrance to the auditorium and along the walls outside the meeting rooms off the atrium.

Come and see the "Vectors and diseases" exhibition in the François Jacob building.


Photo: View of scales on the foot of a Anopheles Gambiae mosquito
