December 11, 2015
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Since yesterday morning, the voting has been open for members of the Works Council and staff representatives. This online voting service is available 24/7 and can be accessed from any computer (at home, at work or in public areas). To log in, you will need to use the codes sent by post to your home address (the same codes you used to vote in the first round of the elections).
The second round of voting will be open until 3pm on Wednesday, December 16, 2015.
If you don't have internet access or if you'd prefer to vote in private, a dedicated online voting area is available in the atrium of the François Jacob building, room 17B; this area will be open to all staff from 10am to 3pm until Wednesday, December 16.
A detailed guide is available to explain the online voting procedure.