
Symposium, "When Structural Biology and Chemistry meet Cellular Biology" on January 19

Are you interested in combining cellular biology with structural biology, in studying dynamic macromolecular assemblies in a cellular context, in using molecular and imaging tools to identify the components of a complex biological system and monitor their interactions? Do you have methods that allow you to obtain structural, dynamic and interactive information in a cellular context?

The Structural Biology and Chemistry Department is giving you the opportunity to come and share your questions and solutions at the symposium "When Structural Biology and Chemistry meet Cellular Biology" on January 19, 2021 at 2pm via Teams or in the Duclaux lecture hall (practical arrangements will be confirmed at a later date depending on the health situation).

This event, open to all scientists on campus with an interest in cellular and structural biology and chemistry, is designed to facilitate discussions with the aim of encouraging the emergence of cross-disciplinary projects.

So come and share your questions and solutions with your colleagues in a brand new format: all speakers will have just three minutes and one slide!

Sign up now by emailing Marie-Laure Goupil (, indicating the name of your laboratory and whether you want to present something or just attend the event.


