December 18, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
On December 9, the European Research Council (ERC) announced the results of the 2020 Consolidator Grant call for proposals. Once again this year, an Institut Pasteur scientist was among the 94 winners. Germano Cecere, Head of the Mechanisms of Epigenetic Inheritance five-year group, was selected for his project "RNAiNHERITANCE" (Somatic and germline mechanisms of small RNA inheritance). This project focuses on how small RNAs can travel through different tissues or organs to the next generation to transmit the memory of our life experiences, such as pathogen infection.
The ERC has become a benchmark for excellence in European science. It seeks to improve Europe's scientific competitiveness and also to attract leading international researchers to the continent. Its slogan is "Supporting top researchers from anywhere in the world."