
International Symposium GPF "Microbes and Brain"

artboard_1_copie_5.jpeg Reminder: This symposium will take place within the framework of the Grand Programme Fédérateur Microbes & Brain (GPF M&B), which aims at creating synergy between Neurosciences, Microbiology and Immunology, three strong research traditions at the Institut Pasteur. This synergy should generate cutting-edge knowledge of how microbes and brain interact to maintain health or drive pathology.

The objective of this symposium is to present ground-breaking research deciphering the impact of microbiota on biological functions related to the nervous system, including the blood brain barrier, metabolism and immunity of the brain, and behavior.

This event will take place on 7th December 2016 in the amphithéâtre Emile Duclaux.

Online registration is mandatory.


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