
"Neuroscience and Disease" Symposium between the Pasteur Institute and the Brain & Spine Institute

In the framework of the strategic research Program Brain Connectivity & Neurodegenerative Disorders, the Incentive Scientific Programs Department (SPIS) is organizing, jointly with the Brain & Spine Institute (ICM), a one day symposium to foster collaborations between ICM & IP.
The Neucrosciences & Diseases symposium will gather PIs from our two Institutes.
It will be held on 16th December at Institut Pasteur, Paris, Auditorium Centre François Jacob.

Registration free but compulsary registration (before december 12th, 2019) at

Download the program

Organizing Committee:
Chiara Zurzolo, IP, Cécile Peltékian, IP - Mallory Perrin-Wolff, IP - Alexandra Auffret, ICM


