
New "Innovation" section on the website

With more than 10.8 million visits in 2020, the Institut Pasteur website has become a valued resource for communicating with both the general public and specialists in various fields (scientists, industry stakeholders, investors, technology transfer offices, etc.) about the Institut Pasteur's history, the scope of its work and its four key missions: research, health, education and innovation.
The last of these four, innovation, is the focus of a new dedicated space on the website showcasing innovation at the Institut Pasteur and the work carried out by the Technology Transfer and Industrial Partnership Department (DARRI).

The innovation strategy pursued by the DARRI, which is firmly rooted in the Institut Pasteur's overall scientific strategy and invention policy (to translate scientific knowledge into new products, medicines, technologies, processes), is designed to optimize the innovative process via a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approach to research based on close collaboration with scientists.

This new section on the website, primarily aimed at potential partners for the DARRI, will improve the visibility of collaboration opportunities.

Check out the new section
Who is involved in innovation at the Institut Pasteur? What can the Institut Pasteur offer industry stakeholders in terms of partnership and/or license opportunities? What tools does it use? Which programs are currently in the Innovation Accelerator? What are some examples of existing partnerships and success stories? The new space contains four sections to answer all these questions:

  • About us, which presents the DARRI's missions, organizational setup and success stories

  • Investor partnerships, aimed at potential investors interested in getting involved at any point along the value chain to help the Institut Pasteur's scientists add value to their inventions through acceleration and maturation phases or prior to the creation of startups

  • Industry partnerships, which describes the various partnership and collaboration opportunities offered by the Institut Pasteur


  • The Carnot Label, which provides more information about the Carnot system, introduced to develop collaborative research between public laboratories and socio-economic players, especially companies

Make sure you check out the new section for yourself, and feel free to spread the word. This is a great new addition to the website, which continues to be the showcase for the Institut Pasteur's work and missions.

